Miss Gioia

Monday, December 18, 2006

Christmas Crafting

Chris and I found a church here in the Burbs of Beijing. A few weeks ago, they announced a charity drive for children at the Hope Foster Home, which is a nearby orphanage for children with disabilities. So we picked two names and pictures from the stack, one boy and one girl, and created little gift boxes for the kiddos. Besides picking out warm fleeces, gloves, toothpaste, little cars and playdough to go in each box, the really fun part was creating dolls for them.

What three year old boy would not want one of these? Actually, I know a 33-year old boy who was quite jealous.

And then for the three year old girl, a baby doll made from Wee Wonderfuls' make-a-long Pattern "Olive". I really liked her with a simple face - only rosy cheeks.

Completely huggable. Too bad I can't see them open the gifts next Monday!



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