Miss Gioia

Sunday, December 17, 2006

to blog or not to...

I have debated starting a blog for a while now, primarily because many seem quite narcissistic. Beyond the unwanted foray into focused egotism, however, I have been reluctant because my own attempts at journal keeping have never been too successful. My mom's attic has three or four books with a few eloquent entries in the front followed by reams of empty pages. I begin well, but seem to have problems with momentum.

Now, however, it seems that the idea of a blog is becoming more and more attractive. I am a bit of a crafty girl, always have been, and it probably is a good idea to keep a record of projects - hopefully not in a "look what I did- aren't I great" kind of way. First, a visual record of ideas, trials, mistakes, successes can help me to grow and develop. Second, I have done so many projects over the years that I no longer remember, especially those given as gifts. Perhaps it would be wise to organize and catalog the creation of these things that take so much of my free time.

Most importantly, however, my husband and I are in the process of adopting a little girl from China. In the very near future, we will need a space to share pictures and stories of Miss G with our family and friends. And while we wait, this may be a good place take a deep breath and prepare.

So for this first post, I leave you with a picture of my first two babies: Mr Frankie, whom we love deeply and sometimes allow to climb on the couch with us to watch movies, and Chris, my partner, lover, husband, and best friend.

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

If this is a haltie you need to think again ~ you can actually hurt this beautiful creature. I use this http://www.emilyweiss.com/arquan/arcart/storegroups.cfm?CategoryID=1
It has worked for us!

January 5, 2008 8:14 AM  

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